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Rhett Walker

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Hands holding each other in support as a group of people


Let’s come together and pray for each other! This is a safe place for you to share what’s on your heart with others in the community. Share your prayer requests anonymously, and be uplifted as others pray with you!


Newest Prayers Recent without prayers

July 22, 2024


Please pray for my husband who starts chemo today. Pray for God's blessings and healing touch. He will do this once a week for at least four months. Also, I need prayer as well, as I walk through this journey with him. God bless.

July 21, 2024


I just want to thank our Almighty creator for waking us up today and giving us mercies anew. It's Sunday Y'all, let's raise our arms high and praise our creator!

July 19, 2024

Prayers for knee surgery

please pray as I have surgery on my left knee for a torn meniscus. The surgery is 7/29/24 Thank you Christine Neal

July 19, 2024

God's will

God will be done and trust and obey eternally

July 18, 2024

Healing over my mind

I’ve been a follower of Christ for about 15 years and I have always stayed positive for the most part but here lately I’ve just been thinking negative and it’s really starting to take its toll. I know the Word says to take your thoughts captive to the Obedience of Christ and I am trying just really been struggling.

July 18, 2024


I really would like some prayers for my brother as he is in surgery. I also need prayers as my mom passed and its been hard. Prayers my sister will do the right thing and not make this family of 6 siblings be broken apart. thank yuou

July 17, 2024

Childhood Cancer: Strength, Faith, Support, and Healing

My good friend’s 4 year old daughter, Vivian Robinson, just got diagnosed with a very rare and aggressive form of pediatric brain cancer, DIPG. They live in Osage Beach but will be traveling to several hospitals this week searching for the best treatment plan and medical team possible. Please pray for Vivian and her whole family as they begin this unthinkable journey. May God be with them in every moment. (Ashleigh, Paul, Jase, Charlotte, and Vivian Robinson) Vivian’s mom is especially asking for prayers that Vivian’s floating eye will return to normal this week so she can play and happily enjoy her family time.

July 11, 2024

God’s healing and strength

Trusting God’s leading for healing. Looking to God for answers however they may manifest. Falling into God’s strength every day. Accept whatever God has for my medical journey and my life. Thankful I can be a witness to those who I come in contact with through the medical processes. Find joy in the journey and praise God during the storms.

July 9, 2024


Please for Angie and Gods peace and presence and protection

July 7, 2024


Prayers for God’s gracious healing, as He wills, for my dear sister in Christ and friend. Prayers for the doctors and nurses to determine what is going on and what can be done for her health.